Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Zuke's 12-Week Update!!!

It's difficult to believe we've had Zuke for just over 5 weeks now, but he's already 12 weeks old this week! We're trying really hard to expend his boundless puppy energy with lots of exercise, but Zuke is gaining the weight that I'm losing -- which I guess is a good thing!!! Here are a few photo favorites during his first month with us...

Zuke romping with his favorite toy... and hopefully releasing LOTS of energy!!!

Looks like we may have tired him out a bit here...

And he actually sat still for 2 seconds while we captured this pose...

And if you forgot what Zuke looked like when he first arrived, here are two early photos. The first photo is with Misty, my brother-in-law's 7-year-old yellow lab. And the last photo is from a series taken during Zuke's first time playing outside in our yard.

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